Welcome to LightAZ.com, the #1 search engine in the professional lighting industry.
Our platform is designed to connect specifiers with over 20,000 luminaires from the leading manufacturers within seconds, featuring advanced technologies such as fast and intuitive search capabilities, project management options, and efficient share and communication features.
Our individual product configurator and search engine are unparalleled productivity tools for specifiers, providing a time-saving and user-friendly experience to find the perfect lighting solution for any project.
With our platform, manufacturers have the opportunity to showcase their products in front of more than 20,000 specifiers every month as they select luminaires and build projects.
As a leading authority in the LED lighting industry, LightAZ Inc. is owned and operated by a team of experienced professionals in lighting, LED technology, and IT.
We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of technological innovation, continuously exploring new advancements, and integrating them into our platform to improve our user experience.
Our headquarters are located in Chicago, where we are committed to providing the highest quality service and support to our clients.
Thank you for your interest in LightAZ.com.
Naperville IL 60566, USA
Tel. 312. 380. 0585