Welcome to LightAZ.com – the largest and most comprehensive search engine in the professional lighting industry. With LightAZ.com, users can quickly find, select and specify architectural lighting products, build lighting schedules, create specification packages, and communicate with agents. Be able to search, specify, and connect. All in one platform.
Built for desktop and mobile devices.
Feel free to contact us for further information or questions.
Do you sell any product?
We do not sell any products. LightAZ.com is a search portal that allows you to quickly find LED luminaire and connect with manufacturers or sales representative agencies.
Can you help me with product technicalities or design questions?
We do not provide any consulting or product support services. Please contact the manufacturer or representative agency for information.
I'm finding information that is not correct.
We are striving to provide the most current and correct information available. If you find incorrect information, please send your comments at contact.lightaz@lightaz.com.
I found a photo that was published without my permission.
Most of the Project photos are provided to us by manufacturers or designers. If you would like us to remove a picture, product or project, please contact us via contact.lightaz@lightaz.com. Please provide proof of your rights as well as your contact information and full name. If we find your claim to be valid, we will contact you before taking any action.
I was searching for 2,000 Lm fixture that can be dimmed with 0-10v dimmer to 0.1%, but the description for the filtered fixture has 500 - 4,000 Lm. and also other dimming options. Is it a mistake?
This is the correct result. The description of the fixture will always show a full range of luminaire options, but the search result will only be based on available combinations of parameters.
I have a suggestion or comment on how to improve your search and website.
We appreciate any meaningful suggestions or comments. Please send your comments to contact.lightaz@lightaz.com.
I would like to place an advertisement on your website.
We would be glad to have you on board. Please visit Advertisement Opportunities for details. Please submit your advertisement proposal to contact.lightaz@lightaz.com.
We are an architectural firm and we would like to publish some finished projects on LightAZ.com. Is it possible to publish our projects with links to our company website?
Yes, we would be glad to add your projects to our Projects Library. All projects are subject to our review, which could take up to 2 weeks to process. We reserve the right to reject any project that we will find not suitable for LightAZ.com. Please submit your subject to contact.lightaz@lightaz.com.