Euroluce 2025, Milan, Italy
April 8 — 13, 2025, Milan, Italy
From 8th to 13th April 2025 the event that showcases light not just as a technological and functional element but especially as an aesthetic dimension, an emotional force and determining factor for the comfort of our spaces.
First held in 1976, Euroluce is the International Lighting Exhibition which, thanks to the more than 300 exhibitors, among the leading brands in the sector at international level, narrates the evolution of light in the domestic space, sparking research and innovation and reflection on the design culture in this particular field. Light is, in fact, increasingly becoming central to our hyper-connected world, to thinking around sustainability, and to digitisation processes, as well as to holistic thinking around people’s wellbeing – light influences our perceptions, performance, preferences, behaviours and our moods. These days the work of a lighting designer not only embraces technological evolution but also philosophical reflection around light, in order to come up with new concepts that will change the way lighting devices are designed in the future. All this is beautifully interpreted by the wide range of goods on exhibit, ranging from the latest outdoor, indoor, interior, industrial, theatrical and events lighting devices, lighting devices for the hospital sector, for special uses such as lighting systems, light sources and software for lighting technologies.