- Light SourceLED
- CCT/Color2700K3000K3500K4000K
- CRI90
- Watt(Approx)6.3 W/Ft12.5 W/Ft18.8 W/Ft25 W/Ft31.3 W/Ft
- Lumens(Approx)426 Lm/Ft853 Lm/Ft1279 Lm/Ft1705 Lm/Ft2131 Lm/Ftcustom
- OpticsDirectGrazing
- Adjustable
- DimmingDim to 3-10%Dim to 1%Dim to <1%0-10VDALILutron Hi-lume EcoSystem (LDE1)EldoLED 0-10V/DALIDMX
- Controls/NetworkLutron®EnlightednLight®
- Power/VoltageIntegralPoEUNV 120-277V347V
- Integral Emergency
- Lumen Maintenance90000 h
- CertificatesETL
- EnvironmentDamp
- Mounting TypeCeiling RecessedDrywallTrimless DrywallT-Grid CeilingSlot T-Grid Ceiling
- HousingNew ConstructionChicago Plenum
- Housing Depth6 ''
DESCRIPTIONDIMENSIONSLIGHT SOURCEWATT/LUMENSPOWER/CONTROLSYou reconfigured the product. To remove this message please update you custom description.SKU configuration, design parameters and all files available for download shall always be verified with manufacturer. LightAZ is not responsible for any errors or omissions for product specified on our website. Refer to our TERMS of SERVICES for more information.CONFIGURATORMarks unavailable product configuration, refer to manufacturer’s documentation for detailsBUILD CATALOG NUMBERPRODUCT DESCRIPTION—Hylytr is a sharp-edged, narrow beam luminaire designed to offer the ultimate performance in wall grazing applications. Featuring ALW’s new, proprietary light sculpting LED technology, Hylytr offers greater reach, uniformity, efficiency and beam precision than competing products all in lens-free and no-glare form. Hylytr is part of ALW’s new Perimeter Collection, launching in February 2022.
For grazing applications, Hyltyr makes highlighting walls and ceiling more artful by providing better than 3:1 candela uniformity at distances spanning 40′ and beyond. Available in a recessed perimeter model for SLOT, TRIM, MUD-IN, and T-GRID ceilings, Hylytr provides laser-like wall grazing precision, illuminating textured surfaces with unsurpassed dramatic appeal.
Hylytr is also the ideal lighting tool for illuminating long, narrow horizontal surfaces such as countertop displays, lab benches and aisles with spill-free precision.
Available with optional telescoping and back-wall features, the Hylytr ensures seamless wall-to-wall runs and added glare control to ensure seamless and aesthetically pleasing installations.
In all applications, Hylytr puts light exactly where it is needed and nowhere else it isn’t necessary, boosting efficiency and reducing energy costs.MORE DESCRIPTION