KIM Lighting (Current)CY2. Cypher - Cylinder Balanced/Tall.SPECIFICATIONSCONFIGURATOR- DimensionsW: 4.4"L: 15.7"H: 25.5"
- Light SourceLED
- CCT/Color2700K3000K4000K5000K
- CRI80 70
- Watt(Approx)26 W40 W52 W
- Lumens(Approx)2836 Lm4011 Lm5083 Lm
- OpticsDirectDirect/IndirectPatternGrazingNarrowType IType IIType IIIType IV
- Adjustable
- DimmingDim to 3-10%DMX/RDM
- Controls/NetworkBluetoothWireless DimmingIntegral Sensor
- Power/VoltageIntegralUNV 120-277V
- Integral EmergencyEM Integral
- Lumen Maintenance60000 h
- CertificatesETLDark SkyDLC*
- EnvironmentIP66
- Mounting TypeWall Surface
- Housing
- Housing Depth
DESCRIPTIONDIMENSIONSLIGHT SOURCEWATT/LUMENSPOWER/CONTROLSYou reconfigured the product. To remove this message please update you custom description.SKU configuration, design parameters and all files available for download shall always be verified with manufacturer. LightAZ is not responsible for any errors or omissions for product specified on our website. Refer to our TERMS of SERVICES for more information.CONFIGURATORMarks unavailable product configuration, refer to manufacturer’s documentation for detailsBUILD CATALOG NUMBERSAVE CONFIGURATION CANCEL CHANGES—Qty:DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION- Series-Output (Base)
CY2-25 25W, 2500 nominal lumens! CY2-25
CY2-35 40W, 3500 nominal lumens! CY2-35
CY2-45 50W, 4500 nominal lumens! CY2-45
27K8 2700K, 80CRI! 27K8
3K7 3000K, 70CRI! 3K7
3K8 3000K, 80CRI! 3K8
4K7 4000K, 70CRI! 4K7
4K8 4000K, 80CRI! 4K8
5K7 5000K, 70CRI! 5K7
- Model (Light Engine) 1
1 DownLight Only! 1
2 50/50 Down/Up, Down/Up distributions must match! 2
3 90/10 Down/Up! 3
4 25/25/25/25 Split, Down/Up/ Side Distributions must match! 4
5 70/10/10/10 Spit, Top/Side distributions must match! 5
- Main Distribution (Down)
1 IES Type I! 1
2 IES Type II! 2
3 IES Type III! 3
4 IES Type IV! 4
SP 15° Spot/Column! SP
WG 60° Wall Graze! WG
1D Type 1 Diffused! 1D
2D Type 2 Diffused! 2D
3D Type 3 Diffused! 3D
4D Type 4 Diffused! 4D
- Secondary Distribution (Up, Sides)
1 IES Type I! 1
2 IES Type II! 2
3 IES Type III! 3
4 IES Type IV! 4
SP 15° Spot/Column! SP
WG 60° Wall Graze! WG
PB Pencil Beam 2! PB
1D Type 1 Diffused! 1D
2D Type 2 Diffused! 2D
3D Type 3 Diffused! 3D
4D Type 4 Diffused! 4D
- Voltage
UNV 120-277V! UNV
- Base Housing Finish
BLS Black Gloss Smooth! BLS
BLT Black Matte Textured! BLT
DBS Dark Bronze Gloss Smooth! DBS
DBT Dark Bronze Matte Textured! DBT
GTT Graphite Matte Textured! GTT
LGS Light Gray Gloss Smooth! LGS
LGT Light Gray Matte Textured! LGT
PSS Platinum Silver Gloss Smooth! PSS
VGT Verde Green Matte Textured! VGT
WHS White Gloss Smooth! WHS
WHT White Matte Textured! WHT
Custom Color 3!
- Fascia Form 1
CB Cylinder Balanced! CB
CT Cylinder Tall! CT
- Luminous Front 4
Standard None (Blank)!
RGBW RGBW Luminous Front! RGBW
LFSW Static White Luminous Front! LFSW
- Fascia Panel 5
FPP Full Panel Painted! FPP
FPS Full Panel Stainless Steel! FPS
FPC Full Panel Copper! FPC
OPP Open Panel Painted 7! OPP
OPS Open Panel Stainless Steel 7! OPS
OPC Open Panel Copper 7! OPC
4PP 4-Square Panel Painted 7! 4PP
4PS 4-Square Panel Stainless Steel 7! 4PS
4PC 4-Square Panel Copper! 4PC
PPP Perforated Panel Painted! PPP
PPS Perforated Panel Stainless Steel! PPS
PPC Perforated Panel Copper! PPC
- Control Options 6
PCU Universal Button Photocell (120-277V)! PCU
SCP Programmable Occupancy Sensor! SCP
WIRC LightGRID+TM w/ Occupancy Sensor! WIRC
- Options
EM Battery Backup Unit -20° C 8! EM
SF Single Fuse (120, 277, 347)! SF
DF Double Fuse (208, 240, 480)! DF
SCB Surface Conduit Box! SCB
1 Consult factory for custom distributions. See Distribution Matrix on page 4 restrictions
2 PB distribution is available for 90/10 and 70/10/10/10 models only. Not all combinations are recommended. See Distribution Matrix on page 2 for restrictions.
3 Consult factory for custom color, marine and corrosive finish
4 RGBW and LFSW luminous fronts are only available with open, four square and perforated fascia panels
5 Flat and Radius Fascia forms only. Painted panels by default match base housing finish/color. Consult factory for custom panel finishes.
6 Occupancy sensors not available with CB, T, E or C fascia forms
7 Luminous front is required to select the Open Panel and 4-Square Panel fascia panels.
8 Consult factory for information on specific configurations with different fascia forms.
9 Custom Building Material Mount Ghost Fascia option allows the Cypher to blend seamlessly into the building architecture by matching the finish of the architectural background. See page 7 for dimensions and contact factory for additional information. Custom material provided by others.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION—Cypher Cylinder is available in 2 sizes: 9” accent scale or 14” large pedestrian scale for mounting heights of 6 to 12' (small) and 8 to 20' (large). Cypher Cylinder architectural wall mount luminaires provide a 2 sizes of fascia - Balanced and Tall with output options to compliment building features and materials.- Cylinder fascia designed to complement its environment in accent or large scale providing a softer outer appearance
- Two sizes 9” accent scale and 14” large pedestrian scale
- Small 9" accent scale Cypher offers 2 lumen packages 1,500 or 2,500 nominal lumens
- Large 14" Pedestrian Scale Cypher offers 3 lumen packages 2,500, 3,500 or 4,500 nominal lumens
- IES Type I, II, III, IV, wall grazer, spot/column and pencil beam distributions
- Up, down and side lighting optics for up to 360° of illumination
- Integral battery backup, photocell, and motion sensing control options