Fjelltun School in Strand Municipality is a primary school with approx. 730 pupils in the 1-7 grades. The school is divided into seven sections and a special emphasis were given to daylight for each section, where all classrooms have access to common areas. This creates new possible pedagogical opportunities arise from this vertical organisation.
Corridors and entrance areas are equipped with the XOOLINE™ IP40 in the ceiling slat panels that create a decorative pattern in the ceiling, controlled by external sensors.
In the high ceiling auditorium the feature of high output combined with low glare narrow beam optics on the XOOLINE™ IP40 allows for uniform lighting yet still keeping the fixture count to a minimum.
Lighting design: Structor Consulting
Architect: Arkipartner
Customer: Rogaland Elektro
Location: Jorpeland, Norway
Photos: Hugo Lutcherath
LED Linear™ Partner: Fagerhult Norway
Products: XOOLINE™ IP40
Corridors and entrance areas are equipped with the XOOLINE™ IP40 in the ceiling slat panels that create a decorative pattern in the ceiling, controlled by external sensors.
In the high ceiling auditorium the feature of high output combined with low glare narrow beam optics on the XOOLINE™ IP40 allows for uniform lighting yet still keeping the fixture count to a minimum.
Lighting design: Structor Consulting
Architect: Arkipartner
Customer: Rogaland Elektro
Location: Jorpeland, Norway
Photos: Hugo Lutcherath
LED Linear™ Partner: Fagerhult Norway
Products: XOOLINE™ IP40